Hey y'all!
It's me. Amanda. I figured I'd introduce myself to our little growing squad, and share my purpose.

First of all, I do not always look like this headshot.
Typically I'm in some form of leggings or cozy pants, with a t-shirt (or a tank top no matter the temp... thank you age 40something
), messy hair and yesterday's make-up. I'm your typical work at home mom with a Virginia Tech college graduate, another current student at Old Dominion University, and a senior in high school. All boys.
We're in Virginia (in these parts it's the south). Married. Business owner. Disney lover. Jet setter. Shopping addict. That last part is the purpose of The Fernweh Shopper. Shopping! Who else loves to shop?!
Look at us! We already have something in common!

In January 2020 I started TFS because of my love for shopping. Fast forward to November 2020 (yes, all of this during a pandemic - sometimes I wonder about myself...) and I rebranded TFS to an online boutique offering size inclusive options for women to love to wear and to love themselves!
What does it mean to shop with a boutique?
Why a boutique over a chain
store like Walmart, Target, Amazon?
The reasons are endless really. Just like with any small business you're supporting the American
dream and a family's income
. But it's more than just shopping small. 
What's in it for you besides feeling like you've done a good deed for the month?
Let's be real - you deserve something out of this deal too! 
First, like most boutiques, TFS is focused on special items in small quantities. This means the selection can be limited at times but that's a good thing for you as a shopper.
What you're buying is very likely not something all of your neighborhood will be wearing at the next block party! (#twinkies 

) It's about uniqueness and quality, over bulk quantities like what you find in big box stores.
Customer service
is something that I take pride in having been in this industry in some capacity for many, many years.
It's important to me that TFS customers are receiving quality items in a timely manner. But also the part that I really love? It's being able to sometimes handpick items that I have a feeling you will like. 
This is why I ask a lot of "yea
or nay
" questions and truly want to hear your feedback! It's helping me target
what you guys want versus a bunch of random crap you'll never buy. And in a way it's like I'm a personal shopper
because if I see something I think YOU specifically will like I will reach out and say "hey, look at this!"
Even though I am still getting to know personal choices and styles, I feel confident
that this will improve with time. As long as you allow me
to get to know what you love
and hate
! So please comment and 'vote' often!
With literally

outstanding orders on their 

way to me at just about any given time, I know you guys will love the new additions as TFS grows. My goal is to help you feel confident in stepping outside your clothing
comfort zone and style outfits specifically for you. I'm at your disposal! Don't be afraid to ask.
While I may spend much of my day in comfy clothes, I do love to dress up (except 2020 messed that up for a bit.....
). And I like to think I have a good eye to help others who may struggle. So let's work together and build your confidence in your wardrobe!

Another thing worth mentioning... How many times have you ordered clothes from Amazon or Wish (
) and received the package only to be COMPLETELY disappointed
in the quality or the sizing?
Yep. With TFS "I" am literally vetting every piece of clothing beforehand to ensure sizing and quality is on par with expectations! So yes, you can order that size large dress from a random website and hope and pray it's correct, but then it barely fits a 3 year old. OR you can let me help you find something that is unique, good quality and proper sizing. 

The reasons are endless really. Just like with any small business you're supporting the American

What's in it for you besides feeling like you've done a good deed for the month?

First, like most boutiques, TFS is focused on special items in small quantities. This means the selection can be limited at times but that's a good thing for you as a shopper.

Customer service

With literally

Another thing worth mentioning... How many times have you ordered clothes from Amazon or Wish (

Lastly, I'm sure you're wondering... What does Fernweh mean? Since I love to travel and have a sense of wanderlust often, it's the perfect word to combine my travel and shopping addictions.
THANK YOU for being part of TFS and I look forward to shopping together!